Microsoft Outlook 2010: Skirtumas tarp puslapio versijų

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Oh, there can be many a winner in this siotitaun. Yes, the cut goes to Apple but the 1.5 mill was not stated as Pop Cap profit. It's just overall profit. Pop Cap knew the cut Apple would take when they submitted. This is still a huge win on their part.Furthermore, everyone takes cuts, even those we love. Devs are going to lose money where every they place their IP. Here's an example that will make you cry inside.Randy Pitchford, one of the lead devs for Gearbox was quoted as saying in an interview with Maximum PC  I, personally, trust Valve. But I’m just saying, honestly, I think a lot of the industry doesn’t. He continues later on to state, I love Valve games, and I do business with the company. But, I’m just saying, Steam isn’t the answer. Steam helps us as customers, but it’s also a money grab, and Valve is exploiting a lot of people in a way that’s not totally fair. Valve is taking a larger share than it should for the service its providing. It’s exploiting a lot of small guys. For us big guys, we’re going to sell the units and it will be fine. (Here is the  to the article. My quotes were from page )Ouch My point is, everyone gets a piece of the pie. There are few forms of distribution that avoid that. The best bet is to make sure you're pie is the biggest and the best. I think thats exactly what Pop Cap did. I tip my hat to them and their hearty pie.
Prieš atliekant šiuos veiksmus pašto dėžutė turėtų būti sukurta. Kaip tai atliekama galite rasti [[Kaip_sukurti_el._pašto_dėžutę|paspaudę čia.]]
'''1.''' Paleidus pašto programą pasirinkite meniu ''"File"'' ir spustelėkite mygtuką ''"+ Add Account"''
'''2.''' Atsidariusiame lange pažymėkite ''"Manually configure server settings or additional server types"'' ir spustelėkite mygtuką ''"Next >"''
'''3.''' Taškeliu pažymėkite ''"Internet E-mail"'' ir spustelėkite mygtuką ''"Next >"''
'''4.''' Suveskite reikalingus duomenis, tai būtų:
''User Information''
'''Your name:''' - įrašykite tai, ką matys laiško gavėjas ( Jūsų vardas ir pavarė, įmonės pavadinimas ar kt. ). <br />
'''Email address:''' - įrašykite pilną el. pašto adresą, pvz. <br />
''Server Information''
'''Account Type:''' - pasirinkite POP3 arba IMAP. Dažniau naudojamas yra POP3, o visus pagrindinius skirtumus galite rasti [[IMAP_ir_POP3_protokolai|paspaudę čia]]. <br />
'''Incoming mail server:''' - mail.DOMENAS, pvz. <br />
'''Outgoing mail (SMTP) server:''' - mail.DOMENAS, pvz. <br />
''Logon Information''
'''User name:''' - pilnas el. pašto adresas, pvz. <br />
'''Password:''' - pridedamos el. pašto dėžutės slaptažodis. <br />
Padėjus varnelę prie '''Remember password''' programa visada atsimins slaptažodį. <br />
'''5.''' Atlikite šiuos žingsnius
Spustelėkite mygtuką ''"More Settings"'' ir atidarykite kortelę ''"Outgoing Server"'', čia padėkite varnelę ties ''"My outgoing server (SMTP) Requires Authentication"''. Spustelėkite OK
'''6.''' Patikrinkite ar viskas gerai, spustelėdami mygtuką ''"Test Account Settings"''. Sėkmės atveju matysite žalias varneles.
jei viskas gerai - spustelėkite ''"Next >"'' ir ''"Finish"''. Pašto programa sėkmingai sunkonfigūruota.
Jei kyla problemų su naujai sukurtos el. pašto dėžutės veikimu - patikrinkite ar viskas suvesta tikrai taip, kaip nurodyta aukščiau. Jei teisinga - [[:Kategorija:pašto_problemų_sprendimas|dažniausiai kylančias problemas]] galite rasti [[:Kategorija:pašto_problemų_sprendimas|paspaudę čia.]]

10:33, 10 lapkričio 2012 versija

Oh, there can be many a winner in this siotitaun. Yes, the cut goes to Apple but the 1.5 mill was not stated as Pop Cap profit. It's just overall profit. Pop Cap knew the cut Apple would take when they submitted. This is still a huge win on their part.Furthermore, everyone takes cuts, even those we love. Devs are going to lose money where every they place their IP. Here's an example that will make you cry inside.Randy Pitchford, one of the lead devs for Gearbox was quoted as saying in an interview with Maximum PC I, personally, trust Valve. But I’m just saying, honestly, I think a lot of the industry doesn’t. He continues later on to state, I love Valve games, and I do business with the company. But, I’m just saying, Steam isn’t the answer. Steam helps us as customers, but it’s also a money grab, and Valve is exploiting a lot of people in a way that’s not totally fair. Valve is taking a larger share than it should for the service its providing. It’s exploiting a lot of small guys. For us big guys, we’re going to sell the units and it will be fine. (Here is the to the article. My quotes were from page )Ouch My point is, everyone gets a piece of the pie. There are few forms of distribution that avoid that. The best bet is to make sure you're pie is the biggest and the best. I think thats exactly what Pop Cap did. I tip my hat to them and their hearty pie.